🎓training 📅2 days 🕑daytime education 🏡 Koolskamp 👯experiential 🎯certificate 🗣️Lorenzo Brocchini

international bondingtherapy training – mat & circle work

This training is an intensive weekend where bonding psychotherapy is offered by an international team of bonding psychotherapists. The weekend is open to professionals, students and non-professionals. This weekend is usually organized twice a year by the international bonding federation. Once in Italy and then in Belgium. AgapeBelgium has been committed to making these special meeting moments take place for more than 6 years.

(Klik hier voor Nederlands)

Working in Bonding, to experience the work of bonding psychotherapy.

The international bonding weekend is always a training weekend where an international team of bonding experts come together. For 2 days the focus is on circle and mat work.

The VBP (Flemish Dutch Association for Bonding Psychotherapy) is very proud to be able to offer the 2-day international bonding therapy again.


Thursday 25 and Friday 26 April 2024. We start on Thursday at 10am. (2 days from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. followed by an evening program (relaxation) that arises in the moment).

Total contact hours: 16


€338,70 (VAT and accommodation costs (overnight stay and catering) included.

A maximum of 16 participants are allowed.


This series will take place in the AgapeBelgium center in Koolskamp. (Heirweg 60)


This program is residential. Accommodation and lodging are included in the price. Due to the residential character, there is time for bonding between lessons, which ensures that the bonding work can be optimally integrated during the training.
The catering starts with lunch on the first day and ends with lunch on the second day. Dinner and breakfast are also provided, as well as a soup moment, along with some snacks and coffee/tea in between.


This training is offered in English.

lorenzo brocchini (IT)

Clinical psychologist, Individual and Group Analytical Psychotherapist “New Clinic New Settings”,
Teaching Fellow of the International Society of Bonding Psychotherapy,
Trained in E.C.R.O Concept (Social Psychology),
Head of Clinical and Training Area – Associazione Nazionale Dipendenze Tecnologiche, GAP e Cyberbullismo – Italian Association of Digital Addiction, Ludomania and Cybermobbing,
Councilor of the Order of Psychologists of the Marche Region.
He has gained twenty years of experience in the coordination of therapeutic community services for pathological addictions, including dual diagnoses, developing complex paths with their families.
He currently carries out therapeutic work with people, couples and groups; carries out supervision for educational and multi-professional teams; organizes Human Growth courses with the Diocese of Senigallia in collaboration with the Youth and Family Ministry.

(Click on the tabs above for prices, dates and more info)

international bondingtherapy training

April 25 & 26 – 2024

€383,70 (VAT and accommodation costs included)